Spring Annotations with Code
@Repository :
- Class Level Annotation
- It can reach the database and do all the operations.
- It make the connection between the database and the business logic.
- DAO is a repository.
- It is a marker interface.
public class TestRepo{
public void add(){
@Service :
- Class Level Annotation
- It is a marker interface.
- It is a business logic.
- It is a service layer.
- It used to create a service layer.
public class TestService{
public void service1(){
//business code (iş kodları)
@Autowired :
- Field Level Annotation
- It is used to inject the dependency.
- It is used to inject the object.
- It is used to inject the object reference.
- Dependency Injection is a design pattern.
public class Brand{
private int id;
private String name;
public Brand(int id, String name){
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
@Controller :
- Class Level Annotation
- It is a marker interface.
- It is a controller layer.
- It is used to create a controller layer.
- It use with @RequestMapping annotation.
public class BrandsController{
public Employee getAll(){
return brandService.getAll();
@RequestMapping :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to map the HTTP request with specific method.
public class BrandsController{
public Employee getAll(){
return brandService.getAll();
@GetMapping :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to map the HTTP GET request with specific method.
- It is used to get the data.
- It is used to read the data.
public Employee getAll(){
return brandService.getAll();
@PostMapping :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to map the HTTP POST request with specific method.
- It is used to add the data.
- It is used to create the data.
public void add(@RequestBody Brand brand){
@PutMapping :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to map the HTTP PUT request with specific method.
- It is used to update the data.
public void update(@RequestBody Brand brand){
@DeleteMapping :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to map the HTTP DELETE request with specific method.
- It is used to delete the data.
public void delete(@RequestBody Brand brand){
@PathVariable :
- Method Level Annotation
- It is used to get the data from the URL.
- It is the most suitable for RESTful web service that contains a path variable.
public Brand getById(@PathVariable int id){
return brandService.getById(id);
- It is used to get the data from the request body.
- It is used to get the data from the HTTP request.
- It is used to get the data from the HTTP request body.
public void add(@RequestBody Brand brand){
- It is used to get the data from the URL.
- It is used to get the data from the URL query parameters.
- It is also known as query parameter.
public Brand getById(@RequestParam int id){
return brandService.getById(id);
- Class Level Annotation
- It is a marker interface.
- It is a controller layer.
- It is used to create a controller layer.
- It use with @RequestMapping annotation.
- It is a combination of @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations.
- @RestController annotation is explained with @ResponseBody annotation.
- @ResponseBody eliminates the need to add a comment to every method.
public class BrandsController{
public Employee getAll(){
return brandService.getAll();